Illuminations Feb 14, 2024

In this week’s message we talk about dissolving the layers that block you from your highest self in order to get onto your TRUE path. Most people visualize an outward path when they think of taking their highest path. But that is part of the programming that takes you away from yourself, your inner knowledge, and the deep truth that lives within you. In the past when you were asked to envision a path, you may have visualized yourself walking through a forest or walking down a path on a beach, or walking down any kind of path, but it's usually outward.

However, the only TRUE path is WITHIN you.

In this week’s Illuminations message, I also discuss in depth the concept of the recycling of our soul and the “soul net” that keeps you stuck in an endless wheel of reincarnation. I go into detail about the false light that appears at the end of the “tunnel” after you die and the mirages of “loved ones” that are flashed before your eyes to get you to “go to the light.” I explain that Lucifer is the false light, but so much programming has been done on this earth to make you believe that the light at the end of the tunnel is God, or Jesus. But nowhere in any teachings of Jesus did He share that.

I share the specifics of how you are brought to a place that is seemingly filled with angelic being along with whatever programming you have accepted, in order to get you to CONSENT. Consent is required by Universal laws because you cannot be “forced.” The problem is that due to themindd control programs and brainwashing on earth of religions and the new age, the vast majority of people give consent.

The dark entities that harvest and use your energy, your “loosh” have created the duality system here on earth WHICH JESUS TELLS US is ruled by satan, in order to continue existing. They do not have a connection to the eternal source of light like human souls do, which is why you are so valuable to them. They cannot force you, that is against the laws of the Universe. But they lie, coerce, manipulate and bully in order to get you to agree.

I recently read a sad story about a mom whose baby died after she was “bullied” into allowing him to get multiple shots in one pediatric visit. He was dead within 6 hours. She shared that she felt it wasn’t good, but they made fun of her, insulted her and kept pushing UNTIL SHE CONSENTED. Reflecting back on my own experience as a mom when my kids were young, I REFUSED to entertain bullshit. I said NO and I went into the pediatricians office with binders full of EVIDENCE and RESEARCH and PACKAGE INSERTS and said, “unless you can PROVE to me with evidence that contradicts what I have found in my year long research into this topic, then the answer is NO. PERIOD. I will not entertain a discussion unless it includes FACTS.”

This is the energy of what is happening with your soul.

You are brainwashed whether you are religious or “new age".” If you are religious you have been told reincarnation isn’t real, despite the reality that it is historical fact that Emperor Justinian took the doctrine of reincarnation out of the Bible so he could control people better. It is ALL ABOUT controlling your mind while you are in human form, because while you are in human form is the ONLY time you have the opportunity to educate yourself about DEATH.

But do most people do that?

No they do not. They educate themselves on everything else under the sun, but not the MOST important topic of all…what happens to your soul. People are not researching this, they are ADOPTING FALSE PROGRAMS from their authoritarian parents and religions. Or, they escaped religion and believe the even more ludicrous new age BS about “going to the light” and being a false “lightworker” connecting with angels (which are fallen beings, real angels are not sitting around chatting with humans).

So in this week’s message, I share in depth the stories you will be told upon death, the false light, the “ancestors” they will show you, and more detail about the soul net, along with the programming of false memories that you are somehow an awful person and you will be given “one more chance” to come to earth and clear your karma.

I feel this week’s message is absolutely critical learning material for every soul.

At the end of the message I offer a powerful sacral clearing of all distorted programs in the sacral chakra, so you can free your creative power from any false energy, and reclaim ALL of your own power from wherever it may have been leaked or stolen.

I discuss the massive activations on Maui, the sacral chakra on the Lemurian grid, and so much more. If you’re not yet a subscriber, you can listen to the whole two hours of content and join us weekly for more information, teachings, clearings, prayers, and forecasts.



Illuminations Februry 22, 2024